My Grand Champions
Sound Stallions

These are my sound stallions! The paint is Titan's Jet, the Swedish warmblood is Noble Tango, and the quarter horse is Big Red! I have had these since they were new. The sound still works in all of them!


This is another Big Red sound stallion that I have. I purchased him on ebay!


WOW! What is this?? Is it a sound stallion?? NOPE! It is a sound mare! She is a Shagya-Arabian named Show Girl! She is really weird! I have never seen a Grand Champion with spots like that! She is covered in big blobs of white like someone just waved a paint brush at her. Her spots look like some tried to wreck her. They were put on so thick that when the dried they even cracked. Her star and snip are nicely airbrushed but not her spots. Very strange.
